We remain respectful of our client commitment to confidentiality therefore; a few testimonials are offered to support our client relationships and engagement.
“Our company didn’t give us an option; we had to attend this 2 day leadership offsite. All I can say is am I ever glad I didn’t duck out of this one... I wish we could have video taped or recorded some of the simulated conversations so we would remember what to say, when and where…thank you to the team…Daniel, Josh, Shirley, Nadine…nice work!
“Developing a relationship with an executive coach has helped to shape my thinking in a more thoughtful manner. My relationships I know will changes as a result. It has given me new perspective of others and myself. The opportunity to work closely with someone in confidence without being judged has helped me to sort out what I do best, face what I just don't see and where I really need to look to in terms of my future focus with my team colleagues and my leader. Trust and listening has been key for me…”
“This has been the most comprehensive leader development I have had in my career at the Director level. I was feeling pretty confident coming in however grateful with what I have added to my coaching tool box...my confidence, conversations, my approach, my language, just the thinking behind my role as a leader has changed. I realize there is more to me as a leader that has to emerge…thanks Shirley.”
“Leadership Boot Camp was incredible. The assessments, tools, case studies and simulations created a self awareness that was absent for me as a leader I’m embarrassed to say; Shirley said she would take us to the stretch zone however she did give us the heads up suggesting we take ourselves their first so she would not have to catch us off guard…(she sure caught me off guard) it was great. I needed to be called to the mat.”
“Our ongoing relationship with Creative Partners in Performance Inc. has been an incredibly enriching and developmental one for the senior leadership team. We’re seeing shifts in leader behaviour that has focused on taking ownership and accountability for employee engagement and raising the bar on individual and team performance…our metrics now support our performance management process. We’re delighted…”